Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh's recently released film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani has become a huge hit at the box office. And its song What Jhumka has become a rage. Several videos have been uploaded on social media platforms in which people can be seen grooving to this hugely popular number. Now a Tamil version of the song has emerged online and has gone insanely viral.
Shared on Instgram, artist Shruthi Shankar can be seen sitting with a guitar and creating a melodious rendition of the song. She starts with singing the song What Jhumka and slowly infuses the Tamil lyrics with the Hindi ones without any hassle or hesitation.
While sharing the video, Shruthi also tagged actors Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, film producer Karan Johar and musician Pritam in the caption and wrote "I channeled my inner @samyu.mohan (musician Samyu Mohan) and my extended shower thought became a cover of the latest earworm. Don’t cringe too much at the lyrics ok, and tell me if you liked it. @karanjohar @aliaabhatt @ranveersingh @ipritamofficial."
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Since being shared, the clip has amassed over a million views and 128,592 likes.
"Maybe it’s a grass is greener situation. But as a Punjabi guy…Tamil just sounds way more beautiful and hits me in the roots," commented one user.
"I didn't understand a single word but love the Tamil version," wrote another user.
"Super singing both in Hindi and Tamil sister and yu wearing the beautiful jummki," commented a third.
"@shroosings I didn't understand Tamil words but I loved your voice .. too much love for you," wrote a fourth.