Dancing in the middle of the street without caring about who is watching you and saying what, requires strength of mind and is not possible for everybody. One such video has surfaced online in which a girl can be seen dancing to the hit Bollywood number 'London Thumakda' from the  film Queen that had Kangana Ranaut in lead role.

In a video shared by Instagram page @ub1ub2 a woman dressed in a skirt and sweater can be seen standing outside the Big Ben. Soon the music plays and she begins to dance energetically in front of the camera set up to record her performance. As she dances, a group of men notice her and join. They try to copy the steps she was performing. The girl keeps dancing until the song finishes and gives little heed to what is happening behind her.

"BTS! When the crowd wanted to do London Thumakda with men," a text overlay on the video read.

Since being posted on Instagram, the video has gone viral and amassed 58,053 likes and tons of comments.

"Crowd did the vibe check, dance is contagious," commented one user on the post.

"I love it , you are livinn the life GIRL AND LIVIN IT TO THE BEST," wrote another user.

While another differed and wrote, "Crowd is just making fun of you, girl! Feel for the tiktok generation. At least do some good informative travel reels in London rather than doing such things which are already loaded on Internet."

"What’s happened to this generation," wrote a fourth.

ALSO READ: Delhi Metro Meme Takes Jibe At Those Dancing Inside Trains, Netizens Give A Thumps Up