Oscar winning 'Naatu Naatu' song from the Telugu film 'RRR' still continues to be a favourite of people across the world. Almost everyday there are videos and reels being made on the song and being shared on social media. This time, it is a poster of tennis legends Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic that is going viral on the internet. This comes after Alcaraz's warning to Djokovic that he won't crack under pressure if both happen to meet in the finals of the Wimbledon.

"Naatu Naatu, Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic, the top two seeds are ready for #Wimbledon," reads the caption of the post shared on the official Twitter handle of Wimbledon.

In the post, both the players are performing the hook step of the electrifying song dressed in white tennis shirts and shorts at the Centre Court.

Wimbledon 2023, which marks the third Grand Slam tournament of the year commenced on Monday, July 3.  

Since being shared, the post has amassed 1.2 million views, 12.9k likes and tons of comments.

"Wow @RRRMovie great achievement for you and all indians," commented one user on the post.

"Wimbledon talking about Naatu Naatu! We are definitely living in a Rajamouli simulation!," wrote another user.

While a third user wrote, "Why is Wimbledon twerking for India so hard. You are not Cricket, you are not going to get anything beyond Cricket."

"Trying super hard to get more Indian viewership, commented a fourth.

"Indian cinema is all set to take over the world, even the British who once ruled India Never imagined our favorite tennis tournament #Wimbledon mention anything about Indian cinema," wrote a fifth.