A video of a woman calling up her local congressman about her menstrual cycle is going viral on the internet. Dara Faye had made the call ahead of the 2022 midterm elections in the United States to draw attention towards women’s reproductive health.

Dara shared a video on Twitter on October 27 in which she filmed herself calling the office of Republican Congressman Mike Garcia. Her call to the local congressman about her menstrual cycle is being praised by netizens.

Sadly, no one from the office of the Republican Congressman picked up her call. But she did leave a strong voice message for him.

“Hi, my name is Dara. “I was just calling because I wanted to report irregularities in my period. I have also been having cramping during ovulation," she can be heard saying in the voice message. 

“I just figured that Mr Garcia would be interested in all of this because he supports the Life at Conception Act. I don’t know if he’s a board certified gynaecologist. I really have no idea. But I assume if he supports this act, he has a lot of knowledge and I don’t know if I should be concerned or not," Dara added.

She ended the voice message by saying, "I don't know if I should be concerned or not, so I was hoping maybe someone can get to me, specifically Mike Garcia, so we can discuss my menstrual cycle and my ovulation cramps. Thank you." 

Since being shared on Twitter with the caption "Involving my local politicians in my medical decisions," the video has gained more than 3 lakh views and over 23K likes so far.

A user on seeing the video wrote, 'Thank you for the inspiration. I am going. To my Senator tomorrow about peri menopause? Is menopause still legal."

"Awesome,  absolutely awesome. Nicely done!," wrote another.

"I posted this to my facebook feed encouraging all my friends to flood their "local political leaders" (thanks Oz) phones/voicemails...calling it "do the Dara," wrote a third.

A fourth wrote, "I LOVE IT!!!  Maybe EVERY woman should start calling their congressmen/women, the one's that support NO ABORTIONS!!!  WOMEN, FLOOD THEIR VOICEMAILS!  I see no crime there!"

Life at Conception Act, introduced in 2021 by Senator Rand Paul declares right to life guaranteed by the Constitution begins at the moment of conception, according to The Independent.