Commuters at a Delhi metro station were joined by a wandering monkey that walks through the turnstiles and makes its way past the security personnel frisking a passenger at the checkpoint. The video, filmed by a witness at the Nawada Metro Station on the Blue Line, shows the monkey casually walking around at the facility.  

Accustomed to such incidences, people at the station are neither wary of nor surprised by the sudden appearance of the primate.

In the video shared on the internet, the monkey is seen leisurely walking towards the turnstiles placed towards the exit of the station. 

The monkey later seems to leave the station. But it is unclear whether animal control officers or the Metro officials intervened to drive the primate away.

Such scenes are very common in most parts of India. Several videos have recently emerged of monkeys strolling at metro stations and even airport lounges.

Earlier, in June, a monkey snuck into a Metro train and managed to travel a short distance in Delhi. It is believed that the primate boarded the train at Yamuna Bank and travelled for a few minutes to the IP station. 

Delhi Metro Railway Corporation (DMRC) staff stepped in and got the monkey off after it received a complaint.

After the incident the DMRC said to work out SOPs in order to avoid such situations in future.

“The DMRC in consultation with the forest department plans to work out a standard operating procedure to deal with such unexpected situations arising out of their entry into metro premises for passengers’ safety,” the DMRC said in a statement after the incident, as reported PTI.