Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in a video shared online has revealed that he used to steal Snickers bar everyday from Hawaii 7-Eleven when he was 14-yer-old. And to "right the wrong" the wrestler turned actor went to the same store and bought all the bars available there and left them for any hungry customers to take for free.

In the video share on Instagram, the 50-year-old ex-WWF star shared that he used to steal Snickers from the store on his way to the gym as a pre-workout meal or source of energy because he was too poor to afford it. The Rock said that his family was evicted from Hawaii in 1987 and he wanted to return to 7-Eleven to  make up for his past mistakes.

In the clip, the actor is seen collecting all the Snickers bars available in the store and leave them on the counter asking the cashier to give them to any customer who look like they were going to steal one. He also tipped the clerk for counting the bar and paid $298 for the groceries picked up by the customers available there during that time.

In a long caption posted with the video in Instagram The Rock wrote, "I finally exorcised this damn chocolate demon that's been gnawing at me for decades."

"We were evicted from Hawaii in '87 and after all these years - I finally got back home to right this wrong. I was broke as hell, so I used to steal a king-sized @snickers EVERY DAY from 7-11 for almost a year when I was 14yrs old, on my way to the gym. The Snickers was my pre daily workout. The same clerk was there every day and always just turned her head and never busted me," he added.

Since being shared, the post has garnered over 23 million views and several comments.

One of the user wrote, "What an awesome gesture!" 

While another Instagram user wrote, "We love you. U r our hero. Always shine bright n good positive."

"I’m gonna go every 7-11 everyday here on Oahu & hope I run into him," wrote a third.