Watching snow for the first time is always an exciting and memorable experience for many people across the globe. This could also be told for animals as a video of a camel that saw snow for the very first time is slowly gaining traction on social media platforms for its amazing reaction.

Shared on Instagram by Rancho Grande, the video opens to a camel named Albert getting excited on seeing snow for the first time. One can see the camel jumping in the video. It also shares its happiness with its friends - a herd of goats. The camel doesn't misses to show them its favourite spots.

"We posted this on TikTok. It seemed to make everyone very happy, which is what Albert sets out to do, so we wanted to share it with the Instagram community as well! Thanks for all the support!" read the caption of the video shared on the Instagram.

The video shared on Instagram a few days ago has accumulated more than 71,000 views and over six thousand likes so far. It has also garnered a lot of comments.

On of the user on watching the video wrote, "WORDDDD IT SNOWED THERE??!???!??? I’m so happy for Albert and all of you!!! So fun!"

"Absolutely precious! Total joy! Made my day yesterday & now again today," wrote another user.

while another user wrote, "Albert's really loving the experience! Love how he's pushing you along, Lol! Adorable! (I'm up in Big Bear, loving the wintry weather.)"

"I would to be in the middle of that group, playing in the snow!" wrote a fourth.