Comedian Vir Das recently took to social media to share his experience about an email sent to him by a fan saying that he has named his son after him. The fan in the mail also explains the reason for doing so. Das shared the screenshot of the email and also posted a witty caption along with it.

“Subject: I named my son after you. Message: Hi Vir Das. I want you to know that I named my son after you almost 8 years back. Not only cause we loved your comedy but majorly the numerology of your name means that you have the capacity to achieve success beyond your imagination, even the sky is small infront of the name. Wishing you all the best for every thing in life. You are very close to our heart. Fun fact my son wants to be a comedian without even knowing who he is named after. Lots of love and best wishes,” read the email that the comedian received from the fan.

 However, the comedian said that he feels sorry and expressed regret for the fan. 

“Thank you…and…I’m sorry…but also…you should’ve known better,” wrote Das along with a folded hand emotion.

Since being shared, the post has garnered over 30,000 views and several comments.

"Comedian is the new doctor, guys. But this is sweet anyways," wrote one user.

"Replace "Vir Das" with "Vin Diesel" in the email and it gets way more appropriate," commented another user.

"Hahahahaah, this kid will one day be sitting in a therapist chair and telling them WHEN IT ALL STARTED," wrote a third.

While a fourth wrote, "But its a good thing.. There aren't enough laughs in the world.. People like you they make world just a little better place to live in."