A video has surfaced on social media in which a young boy is seen leading a pet tiger around a luxurious house, holding the chain tied around the beast's neck. The clip has been shared by a Pakistani YouTuber Nouman Hassan on his Instagram account that has over 955,000 followers. Since being shared the video has gone viral and garnered thousands of views.

The YouTuber is known for regularly sharing videos of exotic animals, which includes tigers, snakes, and a crocodile. Hassan hasn't disclosed any information about the boy's identity, but social media users assume the child to be his nephew.

In the clip the boy wearing a pair of jeans, T-shirt and sneakers can be seen holding the chain to which the tiger is tied and roaming the big cat around a luxurious house. In the short video the boy does not seem to be afraid or nervous of the beast.

The viral video has garnered several comments raising concerns about the boy's safety.

"This is most idiotic act of human intelligence," commented one user on the post.

"There is no shortage of idiots in this world," wrote another user. While a third wrote, "This is ridiculous".

"You know your tiger could harm the kid anytime..." wrote a fourth.

Video of people showing their daredevilry with lions and tigers often surfaces on the internet. A clip shared in July this year on Instagram had gone viral in which a woman was taking food directly from a lion’s plate. The video was shot at Wild Life Park Ras al Khiamah in the UAE.