People who keep pets have a very strong emotional bond with them and consider them as one of their own family members. Dogs too fall in love with humans instantly and are grateful for even the smallest things that we do for them. A similar thing happened with Meral Bontenbel who had travelled from Netherlands to visit the holy city Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. Meral, during her visit got attached to a female street dog, who she is now taking home. Yes, you heard that right. The dog is set to fly out of the country with a proper passport and visa, along with her new owner.

Speaking to news agency ANI, Meral who has assumed the custodianship of the dog (Jaya), said she had always wanted a pet, and after seeing her she fell helplessly in love with her during the visit.

"I travelled to Varanasi as I wanted to explore the city. As I was walking around idly one day (along with her co-travellers), Jaya walked up to us. She was very sweet and I fell for her. I cuddled her and she tagged along with us thereafter. She started following us around. Then, one day, she was attacked by another dog on the street," Meral recalled.

However, she was rescued by a security guard present at the spot said Meral.

"A guard came forward and saved her. I hadn't initially planned to adopt her. I simply wanted to get her off the streets," she added.

In fact, Meral in order to arrange a passport and visa for her beloved pet, extended her stay in India for six months.

"I'm really happy to finally be able to take her along with me. It was a long-drawn process. I had to wait six months to get her to this point. I have always wanted to have a dog and I fell in love with her the first time she walked up to me," Meral said to ANI.