A boy in New York has achieved a remarkable feat of creating Guinness World Record (GWR) for the 'highest catch of a tennis ball'. The 18-year-old Cameron Heinig caught the ball dropped by a drone from a height of 469.5 feet and broke the previous record by 75.4 feet, reported the records keeping compnay.

Cameron achieved the record with the help of his friend Julian, who piloted a drone to release the ball from the record-breaking height.

"It did not hurt as much as I thought it would, "said Cameron to Guinness World Record after he achieved the feat by catching the ball with bare hands. "It didn't hurt any more than a really hard high-five," he further said.

Cameron and Julian spent two summers practising to break this record. The first summer was not easy for Cameron, who "didn’t even come close" to catching the ball, as he had a tough time predicting where the ball would land.

Though disheartened a little, the pair did not give up and began practising even harder the next summer. This time they adopted a more strategic approach by incorporating a baseball glove into their practice sessions, while Julian 3D printed a more accurate dropping apparatus for the drone, reported GWR.

Soon Cameron found himself able to consistently get to the ball and decided to catch it without the gloves.

"I was a little worried that it would hurt, but I figured it was worth it for a Guinness World Records title," he told the records keeping company.

However, Cameron admitted that this was “a total fluke” and several days passed before he successfully caught it again.

By the end of the summer, Cameron was ready for his official attempt, said the records keeping company.