A woman in the United Kingdom took to social media to share the distressing experience she had on ordering an ordinary takeaway meal from McDonald's. The french fries that she had order for her one-year-old child shockingly had a cigarette butt with some ash at the bottom.

According to the post shared on Facebook, the 35-year-old mother Gemma Kirk-Bonner bought a Happy Meal from a McDonald's restaurant in Barrow-in-Furness, England on October 18. But when she reached home and opened the packet to feed her 1-year-old son Caleb and her 3-year-old son Jackson, she found a cigarette butt hidden within the meal, which put her off. 

She also said that the company did not respond after she reported the incident to them.

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The upset mother posted a photo of the meal on facebook and wrote, "Forget the toy... now comes with a cigarette end and ash for extra taste. Phoned up to make a complaint but rudely spoken to then she put the phone down on me!."


After the incident went viral, Mark Blundell, the franchisee of the Dalton Road restaurant in an interview to The Mail said, "Food safety is of the utmost importance to us, and we place great emphasis on quality control and providing the highest standard to our customers at our Barrow-in-Furness restaurant. We would encourage the customer to contact customer service so that we can properly investigate and help them find a resolution."

The post after being shared has prompted several comments

"Gemma ide be going absolutely mental!!!!," commented one user on the post.

"That is vile I would be absolutely fuming I wouldn’t let this go," wrote another user.

Reiterating a similar feeling a third wrote, Omg that’s disgusting, I’d be fuming