New Delhi: Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Mahua Moitra was seen playing football while wearing a saree, sneakers, and sunglasses on Monday. She recently attended the Krishnanagar MP Cup Tournament 2022 and shared photos of herself playing in a saree, which drew the attention of netizens.
The TMC MP took to Twitter to share two photos. In the photos, she is seen dressed in an orange-coloured saree with reddish borders, blue and white sneakers, and sunglasses. The first shows her kicking the ball and the second shows her as a goalkeeper. "Fun moments from the Krishnanagar MP Cup Tournament 2022 final. Yes, I do play in a saree."
Since being shared on Twitter a few hours ago, the post has received nearly 11,000 likes, over 600 retweets, and several comments.
"Cool, Love the shot," wrote Sharmistha Mukherjee, daughter of India's former President, Pranab Mukherjee.
"You're also a striker and a goalkeeper. Awesome! "a Twitter user stated "Picture 1: Running towards the goal. Picture 2: When you realise you're about to accomplish your own goal, "another person shared "A saree, as well as sunglasses! Excellent work, ma'am "a third person commented.
With so many comments, one user wrote in Hinglish, "Ma'am in first pic: In football we say Thudda marna (hitting with toe), Hope your toe is fine, aur samajh nhi aaya Googles pehan ke Kaun khelta Hai football bhai?" "Hum Khelte Hai," Mahua responded.
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Another user commented, "Goal bhi aap marengi or goal ko save bhi aap hi karengee," which was followed by a number of comments praising the MP, calling her “Multitasking.”