In India, parents are obsessed with board exam results of their children and expect them to come out with flying colours. However, not everyone is able to score high marks which disappoints the parents who judge their academic success based on the marks. But a family in Mumbai broke stereotypes and celebrated their son scoring pass marks (35 percent) in 10th board exams.

The student, Vishal Karad completed his 10th class from a Marathi medium school and scored exactly 35 marks in all 6 subjects. The result did not infuriate his parents, instead they decided to celebrate their son's success in SSC exams.

A video of the heartwarming celebration was shared by IAS officer Awanish Sharan on the microblogging site Twitter.

 “A class 10th student from Mumbai secured 35% marks in the examination. But instead of being sad or angry, his parents celebrated his success," read the caption of the post when translated from Hindi to English.

Since being shared, the video has amassed 451.5k views, 8,478 likes and several comments.

On seeing the video one of the user wrote, "Congratulations to the boy for getting through and to the parents for being the parents every student needs."

"Bahut badhiya shabas agli bar 36 ka try karna jokes apart this is a welcome move life needs not be only about marks!", commented another user.

"I failed in 9th, topped in 12th, was rejected by many top  pharmas but got chance to work with Pfizer. It's just like that few things are destined. Gl beta!," commented a third.

"It's good example of a single piece of paper can't decide your future," wrote a fourth.