New Delhi: A tweet on an unusual message has gone viral wherein a thief apologises to a man for stealing his laptop by citing his financial situation. A Twitter user has shared the screen grab of an email that he received from his own email account after his laptop had been stolen.

The user, who tweeted about the incident wrote, “They stole my laptop last night and they sent me an email using my email, I have mixed emotions now.”

Apart from seeking an apology for stealing the laptop, the thief also attached a research proposal assuming the owner was working on it, and asked if he needs any files regarding the university work on the laptop before he sells it.

"I see that you were busy with a research proposal, I have attached it, and if there are any other files that you need please alert me before Monday 12 since I have found a customer," the email read.  

"I am very very sorry for taking your laptop I am extremely poor and needed the money," the thief wrote in the purported email. "I left your phone and wallet so I hope that slightly makes up for something."

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Since the email has gone viral, the apologetic mail from the thief managed to gain sympathy for some users while amusing several others. The tweet posted on Sunday went on to receive over 30,000 retweets and over 2.5 lakh 'likes'.

Some of the users didn’t believe that it was a genuine post. One of the users shared a similar screenshot and claimed that the user copied it “word by word" just for sake of “content".

Here are some of the hilarious comments on social media.

One of the users tweeted, “I would have responded with “I’m not worried about not getting my laptop back cause I built a tracker into it. So the police will find it regardless whether it’s the location you’re sending this email from, or your customer’s.Have a nice day (sic)."

Some of them also shared similar experiences. One user wrote, “We once had my friends phone stolen after an all white party event. It was the only one we had been taking photos on all night so we asked the thief to please just send the photos. 3am my phone started buzzing with our pictures sometimes thieves are somewhat nice (sic)."

According to a follow-up tweet, the man is now trying to buy back his own laptop from the thief, that's quite an interesting story unfolding.