Animal videos are amongst the most watched clips on the internet as they act as a mood booster. One such video going viral on the social media captures chase war between a tiger and a leopard.

In the the 30-second clip shared by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Susanta Nanda on Twitter, a tiger is seen getting ready to attack a leopard. But as soon as it sprints towards the leopard, the latter quickly climbs a tall tree. The tiger too climbs the tree but after a while fails to follow the leopard.

"That is how the leopard survives in a tiger-dominated landscape. Tigers can easily climb trees, with their sharp and retractable claws providing a powerful grip to hold the tree trunk and climb up. But as they grow old, their body weight prevents them to do so. Stay slim to survive", the caption read.

Since being shared the video has amassed 384.6k views and 5,600 likes.

"Tigers are truly amazing...but I'm glad he/she didn't catch that Leopard, I like them as well...," wrote another user.

"The way leopard climbed the tree in one go is truly breathtaking. Co-existence at it's best i would say lol," wrote another user.

"Leopards bodies are flexible enough for climbing to great heights with ease. Tigers are not climbers," wrote a third.

"See the astounding speed with which the leopard climbed the tree! Amazing!," wrote a fourth.