New Delhi: A spoof video of Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker went viral on social media after ‘#BycottQatarAirways’ started trending on Twitter. A Twitter user Vashudev called for the boycott of Qatar airways in a video with the hashtag as several countries including Qatar objected to former BJP spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal's comments on Prophet Muhammad.

In his video, Vashudev said, "I am against Qatar Airways," adding that Qatar has already started laying off Indian people. "Boycott Qatar Airways because we should take a tit-for-tat move," the user in the video said.

After his video, ‘#BycottQatarAirways’ started trending on Twitter with the wrong spelling and a spoof video of Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker giving an interview with Al Jazeera went viral in which the CEO urges Vasudev to withdraw his boycott “as the company couldn’t function without their highest stakeholder”.

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The CEO in the spoof video said that as soon as he came across the boycott video, he cancelled all his meetings and straightaway flew to Qatar. "Because our biggest shareholder Vashudev decided to boycott our airline from his headquarters which is the terrace of his house. He had a power cut at that time in his neighbourhood when he made that devastating video," the CEO said in the spoof video.

"Vashudev is our biggest shareholder with a total investment of 634 rupees and 50 paise. And we don't know how to operate anymore and we have grounded all the flights... we are requesting Vashudev to take this call for boycott back," he said.

"This is a special kind of boycott because it b-y-c-o-t-t. Vashudev habibi, we are willing to give you one whole plane to make your TikTok videos or maybe we can give you two litres of petrol free," he added.

"Once you come back from the railway track, please consider our offer and take the boycott back," the CEO said in the spoof video.

Meanwhile, on the controversial statement against Prophet Muhammad,  BJP has said that it respects all religions. It also suspended Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal after facing backlash from other countries.