The Australian Federal Police (AFP) spotted a venomous brown snake slithering around the Adelaide Airport. The reptile, an eastern brown snake, was found in the carpark of its airport office on Monday. Fortunately, the airport officials were able to get the snake safely into a box without any untoward incident.

In a scan that was done to confirm the snake was successfully trapped in the box, one can see the reptile, with its hood up, in a picture shared by the Australian Federal police. 

''An intruder was found at the AFP airport office in Adelaide yesterday. A brown snake was located in the basement carpark and was secured by AFP members until safely removed by a snake catcher. While waiting for the catcher to arrive, the duty Sergeant took this x-ray of the box to confirm the snake was safely contained. We aren't usually in the business of snakes, but with temperatures starting to rise, remember to take care of yourselves and your animals. Thanks to our Adelaide team for the lawful removal of this intruder," wrote The Australian Federal police on its Facebook page.

"Spotted at the AFP office near Adelaide airport, one lonely snake trying to make its way about town. Maybe to board a flight. Was this plane rude, or just plane nature? That's a ssssssecret we'll never tell. —XOXO. Gossip Snake," continued writing in the comments.

"Luckily no one was hurt and the snake is safe! That’s a Christmas gift right there," replied an user on the post.

"The duty Sergeant took this x-ray of the box to confirm the snake was safely contained." Haha. It's ok, no one blames them for playing with the x-ray machine, I would have done the same!" wrote another.