Eating out has now become a costly affair. A budget-friendly meal may cost you anywhere between Rs 1,000-1,200 these days. But what if you get Shahi Paneer for just Rs 8 and Dal Makhni for less than Rs 10. Sounds unreal, right? Well, this was the price of the dishes in 1985. The 37-year-old bill shared by a restaurant on the internet has left social media users baffled.

The picture of the bill shared initially on August 12, 2013 on the social networking site Facebook by Lazeez Restaurant & Hotel, located in Lajpat Nagar area of Delhi, has again gone viral.

In the bill dated December 20, 1985, one can see that a customer had ordered a plate of Shahi Paneer, Dal Makhni, Raita and a few chapatis that put together cost only Rs 26, which is equivalent to a packet of chips these days. The bill shows Shai Paneer priced at Rs 8, while Dal Makhni and raita cost Rs 5.

Even raw paneer is not affordable at this price these days. It will cost you anywhere close to Rs 370 per kg.

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Since being shared on the cosial networking site Facebook, the post has accumulated over 1,800 likes and 587 shares.

One of the user on seeing the bill wrote, "OMG... It was so cheap then... yes of course the value of money was far far far more those days...."

While another wrote, "Gone are the Golden Day, when food was affordable, and eating enjoyable."

"In saltlake sec v , even today you can get 3paratha & unlimited sabzi @Rs 20/-," wrote a third.

While one inquisitively wrote, "Arre time ka salary bhi dikhao.."