When you are truly in love with somebody, you always make an extra effort to mend things and end the differences that have arisen between the two by apologising. But to what extent can you go to say sorry. A person named Sush clearly decided to go big by setting up a colossal billboard in Noida to express her heartfelt apology. Noida residents were taken aback to see the bizarre billboard with an apology note. Within no time, the billboard became a viral thing.

The billboard near the Supernova building, close to Okhla Bird Sanctuary in sector 94 has a picture of two kids with a heart emoji with the text, "I am sorry Sanju. I will never ever hurt you again, your Sush." The childhood pictures, presumably depict the individuals involved. 

After the picture surfaced on social media, the comments box was filled with mixed reactions from Twitter users.

"noida has once again outdone itself," commented one user after seeing the post.

While another user wrote, "Oh Gurl. It will be just a few months for you to realise you should have spent money on mutual funds rather than on this billboard for Sanju and his ego."

"If they take this down they have to return money. Either way the objective is achieved," wrote a third.

The picture was first shared by Twitter user @uDasKapital. Since being shared the post has garnered more than 4,000 views.