Moderate to heavy rainfall lashed several parts of Mumbai on Thursday, two days before the expected arrival of monsoon in the city. Mumbai's northern and eastern suburbs, like Borivali, Goregaon, and Powai, also witnessed thundershowers. In more good news for the residents, the India Meteorological Department has forecast rain or thundershowers in the afternoon or evening in Mumbai till June 15.

"Thunderstorm accompanied with lightning and light to moderate spells of rain with gusty winds reaching 30-40 kmph very likely to occur at isolated places in the districts of Mumbai, Thane, Jalgaon, Ahmednagar and Beed during next 3-4 hours," the Regional Meteorological Center in Mumbai said.

Senior IMD scientist RK Jenamani said monsoon was progressing normally and would likely reach Maharashtra in the next two days. "It is likely to reach Maharashtra in the next two days and cover Mumbai in the subsequent two days," PTI quoted Jenamani as saying.

The onset of the monsoon is expected to first take place in the Konkan and Goa region before Mumbai. Rainfall is expected to intensify over Mumbai and adjoining areas after June 15.

The pre-monsoon showers brought respite for Mumbaikars from the sweltering heat and several of them took to Twitter to share pictures and videos of cloudy skies and wet streets, while others came up with hilarious memes and jokes.

Some users also spoke of the condition of people in the north India, especially Delhi, which is reeling under a brutal heatwave.

Here Are Some Of The Memes And Jokes Netizens Shared On Mumbai Rains: