Tamannaah Bhatia and Rajinikanth starrer film Jailer has become a huge hit at the box office. And the song Kaavaalaa is creating waves across the country for its catchy music and dance moves. Several videos have been uploaded on social media platforms in which people can be seen grooving to this hugely popular number. Now a video of Mumbai cop Amol Kamble, also known as Mumbai's dancing cop, dancing along with artist Shreya Singh on the song Kaavaalaa has gone viral on the internet.

Kamble shared the dance video on Instagram with the caption "#kaavaalaa must be banger." He also tagged artist Shreya Singh in the post and credited her for the choreography of the song.

The clip opens to show Shreya wearing a black cargo pant and a loose fitted top dancing to the song. In a few moments, Kamble joins in and begins to match the dance steps with Shreya. There is complete synchronisation between both of them and their expression are also perfect.

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Since being shared, the video has amassed over 2.7 lakh views, 26,237 likes and lots of comments.

"Mind blowing amol kamble sir ji, " commented one user on the post after seeing the video.

"Being a cop is no easy job and even in such difficulty you find time to follow you passion...hats off to you...wish you loads of success," commented another user.

"Sach me great energy lovely beautiful," commented a third.

"Bahut he accha sir.....maza aa gaya dekh ke..life me hamesha serious nahi rahne ka ...enjoy karne ka sarh me apni duty bhi karna," wrote a fourth on seeing the video.