An individual took to social media to share how he was trapped inside the elevator of his office building for hours for which he also had faced a monetary loss. Yes, you heard that right. The man's company marked him absent due to the delay and decided to deduct his salary for the day as a consequence. After being shared on Reddit, the post immediately went viral and invited criticism from the users.

Sharing his ordeal, the user wrote, "So yesterday, I was in the elevator, and it stopped working out of the blue, and the electricity also went off. I was not able to contact the maintenance department or my office. I tried to reach them by phone, and after several attempts, I was able to inform HR about my situation, and they sent a maintenance guy. After three hours, they got me out of the elevator."

"When I was punching my In time the HR said you were late so you will be marked as absent and your salary will also deduct," he further wrote.

The user objected and told the company that he will take a leave if he is being marked absent for the situation which was not in his hands. However, the company didn't agree and asked him to work on the day as they were short on staff.

"When I was punching my in-time, HR said you were late, so you will be marked as absent, and your salary will also be deducted. I told them if you are marking me absent, I will take leave and go home, but my AM told me you have to work as they were short on staff. So I told them it's not my fault. If you allow me to punch in and correct the in-time, I will work, or otherwise, I am taking the day off, and they started to threaten me about appraisal and my work ethic, how I was making excuses, and do not put efforts and lack motivation," he wrote.

Since being shared the post has garnered close to 500 upvotes and several comments.


"Wth. There is no way I will work if I am marked absent. In fact, your company should give you a compensation for such an inconvenience. Switch your company," commented one user on the post.

"Seems like a toxic workplace. Find a new job if possible. Remember corporate is not your friend," wrote another user.

"I would sue them for mental trauma due to being stuck for 3hours. If you have claustrophobia, such incidents can scar you for life," commented a third.