A Korean woman, who is an influencer and routinely documents her experience in India by sharing videos and pictures on social media, recently took her parents to the Taj Mahal dressed in salwar kameez and posed with them. In the post shared by the influencer Jiwon on Instagram, one can seen her wearing a pink salwar suit and posing for pictures alongside her parents. One can also see the Taj Mahal in the backdrop.

After visiting the Taj Mahal, Jiwon wrote that she was happy to show "Incredible India" to her parents who loved the Mughal era structure.

"Korean mummy papa ki Indian beti. Today I showed Taj Mahal to my parentsâ€æ and they fall in love with the Taj Mahal. I’m happy to show them Incredible India and our guide said I speak Hindi and I wear kurti so i’m totally Indian. khubsurat taj mahal ke sath sundar gulabi kurti, acha hai na?,"  read the caption of the post shared by Jiwon.

The post immediately went viral after being shared on Instagram. It also has garnered 26,920 likes so far.

"Lovely Family Pics Looking pretty in Salwar Kameez Taj Mahal is a beautiful place to visit, I love it too Hope your parents enjoyed their stay here in India... It's really hot now here, but next time in case they come in November, December or January, you can also take them to visit other places in Kerala like Munnar (beautiful greenary) and Appelley (boat houses), Jaipur - Hawa Mahal (you can also shop traditional rajasthani stuff), Nagaland, beautiful hill stations like Ooty, Manali, Mount Abu, Matheran and so on... Even Goa is good, there are lot of beautiful churches and beaches there!," commented one user on the post.

"u always visit northern or west india…its very hot out there…come to north-east india to experience the mesmeric beauty of india…the hills the flaura & fauna is sure to impress you," wrote another user.

"Hope your parents too fall in love with this wonderful country," Wrote a third.

 While a fourth wrote, "i love korean dramas. Your country is also so beautiful and the culture is so similar to ours."

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