A shocking video has surfaced on the internet from South Africa where a herd of buffaloes can be seen attacking an old lion.  A tour guide named Deon Kelbrick who was in his safari vehicle with a group of tourists captured the incident and shared it on social media that has now gone viral.

The video was shared by Kelbrick on Instagram with the caption  "Dark Mane Avoca male lion gets caught in between a herd of buffalo and fights for his life."

"The pride attempted a hunt on a herd of buffalo and things went south quickly when the whole herd retaliated with a huge stampede towards the lions and, unfortunately, the older male lion could not get out of the way quick enough because of his injury," the caption further read.

In the clip one can see Dark Mane Avoca, a male lion being attacked by a herd of buffaloes with their horns. The lion was thrown around and trampled for about 15 minutes before the rest of the pride came to his aid.

The lion survived the attack but is not in good shape as there are internal injuries, the post read.

On seeing the video, one of the Instagram user wrote, "This is so hard to watch but it’s nature. Also a crazy, once In a lifetime moment to witness."

"Absolutely heartbreaking to watch .. nothing quite stirs up the emotions like the wilderness in all it’s rawness," wrote another user.

While a third wrote, "Wow! This is extremely powerful and emotive footage. Brilliant. Yes the wild can be ruthless - however we learn about balance as a witness."

"Omg! I've never seen anything like this. It's a difficult watch but shows what can happen. I hope he survives but only time will tell," a fourth wrote.