Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans can be a dreadful experience for children. Lying still in narrow tubes making loud noises, can be extremely claustrophobic and terrifying for them. The whole set up of an MRI room can scare children. So, in order to woo kids to take MRI scans hospitals are now installing child-friendly MRI machines with quirky themes that would interest them.

Business tycoon and RPG Enterprises Chairman Harsh Goenka took to the microblogging site Twitter to share a photograph of one such MRI machine installed at a hospital and wrote, "MRI scanner for kids. So thoughtful!".

The picture shows the MRI scanner coloured in bright yellow with shapes of fish and fictional characters pasted on the exterior of the scanner.

Since being shared, the post has amassed over 45,000 views and several comments.

"Just beautiful! I as an adult feel cherished seeing this imagine seeing this what will be the child’s mindset when then will see this!," commented one user on the post.

"Oh so Alice in Wonderland kind of stuff.. Kids should love getting in there!! Hopefully. But kids r so unpredictable!", wrote another user.

"Very thoughtful, it is really difficult to make child understand to undergo MRI in case of medical problems - even elderly people are scared as MRI machines make slight noise plus feeling of claustrophobia," wrote a third.

"Where is it? I have spent significant amount of time in the children’s hospital. One of my complaints is that while it provides the best treatments, it’s not an inviting place for children," a fourth wrote.