The transition from a relaxing, fun-filled Sunday to an unpleasant Monday morning can be quite stressful for office goers. Monday blues can make one feel sluggish and give jitters. Now, Guinness World Records has taken note of the fact and declared Monday the 'worst day of the week'.

Getting up on a Monday morning and going to office or college now officially means that you are working on the official "worst day of the week", which has niow become a universally accepted thing.

"We're officially giving monday the record of the worst day of the week," Guinness World Records tweeted. As soon as the declaration came, netizens came up with mixed reactions.

The official page of the famous animated character Red of 'Angry Birds' tweeted, "Took you long enough". Reacting to this, Guinness World Records tweeted, "Ikr", or "I know right!"

Reacting to the tweet, a user wrote, “I take mondays off just for this reason”. Guinness World Records reacted to the comment and termed it as “smart”.

Some users hailed the decision whereas some people said that this decision took to long and should have come much earlier. “I stand for this. Monday deserves it,” a user wrote.

Another user reacted to the tweet and asked, “What about Wednesday? It sounds weird,” to which GWR reacted and said that, “three syllables is too much”.

A Twitter user appreciated the declaration and felt “proud” and a user declared GWR as officially cool.

Guinness World Records came into existence in the year 1995. The Guinness Book of World Records which was co-founded by twin brothers Norris and Ross McWhirter in Fleet Street, London, in August 1955, is a reference book published annually which lists world records both of human achievements and the extremes of the natural world.