Mahindra Group chairman Anand Mahindra's recent post on Gaganyaan Mission is now getting a lot of traction. After Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday announced the names of the four Indian astronaut-designates for the much-awaited mission, Mahindra posted: "I grew up seeing photos of only American astronauts and Russian Cosmonauts". Soon after, his post went viral on X (formerly Twitter), with users reminding him that Indians had ventured into space in the past also.

Several users shared pictures of Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian to travel to space, and also the video clip of the famous conversation he had with then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi from space.

Sharma had an unforgettable conversation with Gandhi in 1984. The iconic exchange marked a significant milestone in India's space exploration journey.

Check Out The Post Here: 

In an X post, the Mahindra Group chairman shared a picture of the four astronauts who appeared in spacesuits as PM Modi met them, and said: "India announces the 4 Indian astronauts for the Gaganyaan mission to space. I grew up seeing photos of only American astronauts and Russian Cosmonauts. They were inspiring but I used to wistfully imagine and wonder if and when I would ever see fellow Indians in those adventurous space suits - on their way into Indian Spacecrafts. That wish now seems to be turning into reality". 

"And I hope it will stoke the imagination and the aspiration of a whole new generation of Indians!" he added.

Here's How Netizens Reacted: 

READ | Gaganyaan: Meet The Four Astronaut Designates Chosen To Fly On India's First Manned Space Voyage

When Indira Gandhi Called Rakesh Sharma In Space 

During her interaction with Rakesh Sharma, PM Gandhi had asked him how India looked from space. His response left a lasting impression. "Saare jahan se achha," he had said, referring to the patriotic song by Muhammad Iqbal that translates to "better than the entire world".

This phrase evoked strong feelings of patriotism and unity.

Sharma's journey and poignant conversation with Gandhi highlighted India's ambitions in space exploration and its potential to inspire future generations. 

While several people of Indian origin have since been to space, this is the first time India is sending its own human space flight, the Gaganyaan.      

On Tuesday, the names of Group Captain Prasanth Balakrishnan Nair, Group Captain Ajit Krishnan, Group Captain Angad Pratap, and Wing Commander Shubhanshu Shukla were revealed as the Gaganyaan crew.

PM Narendra Modi announced the names at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, where the four men received astronaut wings.

The human space flight mission aims to launch a three-person crew into Low Earth Orbit and return them after three days. The astronauts chosen for the mission have been trained in both technical knowledge and physical fitness to ensure their well-being throughout the mission.