Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan regularly shares videos of animals on social media that garner a lot of views and likes. The IFS officer has once again taken to the microblogging site Twitter to share a clip of two baby elephants playfully fighting with each other.

The video opens to show two baby elephants  playfully locking their trunks and fighting. Initially the younger one manages to push the elder one a few steps behind but soon the he is overpowered and before the matter could escalate further, the adult elephants from the herd intervene and protects the younger calf.

 "When cousins fight elders have to intervene," read the caption of the post shared by Kaswan.

Since being shared the clip has amassed 133.2k views, 3,672 likes and tons of comments.

"Wish I can go and hug them all n play with them. Mighty n divine they are," commented one user after seeing the video.

"Sir, very cute it's reminding me of my elder brother who is abroad doing MS...," wrote another user.

"I will  always appreciate any pics and videos that you upload of the Indian Elephant. Thank you for posting this," wrote a third.

"Soo cute. I love to see such videos," wrote a fourth user on seeing the video shared by Kaswan