Congress MP Shashi Tharoor shared a series of posts about his unexpected experience with a monkey in his garden while having morning tea on his social media handle. Despite his concerns about the risk of an attack from the monkey, he remained calm and welcomed its presence as non-threatening.

Tharoor shared how the monkey sat on his lap, ate food, and even gave him the most adorable hug. The monkey also rested his head on his chest and dozed off.

"Had an extraordinary experience today. While i was sitting in the garden, reading my morning newspapers, a monkey wandered in, headed straight for me and parked himself on my lap. He hungrily ate a couple of bananas we offered him, hugged me and proceeded to rest his head on my chest and dozed off. I gently began to get up, he leapt off and loped away, " he stated while sharing photos in the post on X.

— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) December 4, 2024

In the follow up post, MP said, "Reverence for wildlife is ingrained in us, so though i was a bit concerned about the risk of a monkey-bite (which would have necessitated rabies shots), I stayed calm and welcomed his presence as non-threatening. I am gratified that my faith was borne out and our encounter was entirely peaceful and gentle."

Social Media Users React To Post

The netizens came up with their mixed opinions in the comment sections over the MP's post. One of the users said, "What is satisfying is that you have not used the incident for political advantage as yet being in that field.I feel if you try to do so the devine power in this case will be vanished. Keep it safe and protected."

The next said, "Oh how so very sweet. A close encounter of the not so wild kind or just plain simple monkeying around. Your calm and friendly demeanour made all the difference. The snack helped too."

Another also said in a joke, "Did the monkey tell you how the EVMs were hacked in Maharashtra?"

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