A woman in China claims to have got her revenge on rude staff at a luxury store by making them count 600,000 yuan — over Rs 70 lakh — in cash for a purchase she ultimately didn't make. The incident was shared on social media by the customer, and went viral, with a report in the South China Morning Post (SCMP) noting how "disputes caused by the dismissive attitude of sales staff often captivate social media in China". Social media users in China have dubbed the episode the "most satisfying revenge of the year".

According to the woman, who goes by the name "xiaomayouren" on the social media platform Xiaohongshu, she orchestrated the revenge after a frustrating experience at a Louis Vuitton (LV) store at the StarLight Place shopping centre in Chongqing, southwestern China, according to an SCMP report based on coverage by China's Sohu news portal.

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During a visit in June, she allegedly entered the LV store carrying a Hermes handbag, intending to purchase clothes. However, she felt the staff treated her dismissively, the report said. She claimed the the staff ignored her request for water and only showed her clothes from older seasons when she asked for the latest arrivals. They "even rolled their eyes and appeared impatient when she requested to try on dresses", the report quoted her as saying.

After she left the store, she attempted to file a complaint with the luxury brand’s "headquarters" but received no response. She eventually returned to the store this month, with 600,000 yuan in cash, accompanied by her assistant and a friend.

After trying on some clothes and indicating they would buy them, the woman handed the sales staff a large bag filled with banknotes. The staff then allegedly spent two hours counting the money. When they were done, the woman abruptly declared, "We don’t want to buy now. We are leaving", and exited the store with her bag of cash.

The woman's post has reportedly drawn praise on Chinese social media. The SCMP report said a comment on the episode was yet awaited from LV's China office.