New Delhi: A video has been making rounds on social media in which a group of girls in school uniforms can be seen involved in an all-out brawl with another group. The undated video surfaced recently on Twitter and has been gaining traction since.
As per social media users, some of the uniformed girls appeared to be from famous Bengaluru girls' schools. The reason for the street brawl between the schoolgirls could not be ascertained immediately.
In the viral video, some girls can be seen slapping each other and pulling each other's hair, and also throwing punches. One girl was also seen wielding a stick.
ABP Live has not been able to verify the undated video going viral.
Twitter is flooded with accounts of those who saw the brawl take place.
While some of the girls were wearing school uniforms, others were in casuals. Some of the people were also seen in the video intervening when one of them took out a baseball bat. In the same shot, another boy in the same uniform was also seen trying to negotiate with a few girls some of whom were in casuals and some in the school uniform. However, the brawl seemed to go on for a while after that.
Some Twitter users pointed out by the uniform that the girls may belong to the Bishop Cotton's Girls School in Bengaluru, but no statement has been issued from the school yet.