A rock climber in Japan narrowly escaped death after coming face-to-face with a bear while he was hiking down a mountain. The incident that took place at Mount Futago was captured on camera attached to the helmet of the hiker, who later shared it on social media platforms. 

The video that has become viral now, shows a black bear attempting to attack the climber with a vicious bite, while the mountaineer screams and punches back the bear and doesn't gives up.

Right throughout the confrontation, the climber maintains his higher-ground position. He can also be seen hitting the bear with clenched fists after which it retreats. In a moment, the bear charges at him again but this time the climber lands a savage kick on the bear’s head forcing it to withdraw.

Social media users have reacted to the viral video in different ways.

One of the Twitter users after seeing the video called it scary and a dangerous encounter.

Another user wrote, "This mountain climber fighting off this bear is WILD!!!!"

"Absolutely terrifying/amazing. Mountain climber fights off bear," wrote another Twitter user while sharing the video.

On the other hand some sympathised with the bear saying, " You can see the cub at the 18 second mark. Just a momma bear protecting her cubs."

While another user wrote, "I really really hope the bear was uninjured after that fall."