New Delhi: The social media of several police departments across the country is trying new and entertaining ways to educate people on cyber safety, traffic rules, and drug abuse. Earlier this week, the Bengaluru Police posted a video of a reckless stunt performed on the road which has gone viral not only because of the act itself but because of the song used in the video. 

In the video, a youth who isn't wearing a helmet, is seen kneeling on the seat of a scooter and balancing the vehicle on its back wheel. The dangerous stunt does not end there, though. The youngster is seen zigzagging on the road while other drivers carefully pass by.

The police department also used the song "Dumb Ways To Die" in the background, to emphasise the risk. Posting the video of the man pulling a risky stunt on his scooter, the Bengaluru police tweeted, “If you do survive, you know we'll be waiting for you”. 

The tweet has garnered over 239 thousand views and over two thousand likes with people sharing their views on this dangerous act.

“Dumb ways to die” was released as an Australian public campaign made by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Victoria in a move to promote railway safety. After it was released the video and the music went viral.