Moving to a new city and finding a perfect house or flat to stay on rent can sometimes be stressful, especially when it comes to a city like Bengaluru where landlord and tenant relations is a persistent topic of discussion. Among the several stories available on the internet about the tech city, the ones that talk about the difficulty in finding rented accommodation in the city will make you laugh. One such viral story once again highlights the formalities involved in the renting process.

A man named Ripu Daman Bhadoria took to LinkedIn to share his experience of a landlord conducting an interview-like process to rent out his flat. In his story, Bhadoria who relocated from Seattle to Bengaluru last year wrote, "I searched for a decent place to rent, but it was extremely difficult due to the high demand post-COVID."

Bhadoria failed his first-ever “tenant interview” and said that the interview process was more demanding than his Google interview. However, he was determined to  succeed and sought transparent feedback from the landlord.

"As I strive to introspect and improve evry time I fail, I directly asked the landlord for feedback on my interview performance and if there were any red flags they noticed, since HR/Recruiter wouldn't reach out to me with interview results in this case," Bhadoria wrote on LinkedIn.

"The landlord was transparent in sharing feedback that they believed I was likely to buy a house, given that I work for Google, I never thought that working at Google could be so disadvantageous," he added.

However, Bhadoria eventually succeeded in another interview process and rented a place in Bengaluru.

The LinkedIn post garnered some witty comments from LinkedIn users.

I'm scared after reading this What if i will fail?," wrote one user jokingly.

"Perhaps, I will ask you to share tips for interviewing my tenants :-)," wrote another user.

"Hey can u please create docs for the same and share it publicly.... Also it would be great if u could take some sessions on the same... It would be helpful to us all," wrote a fourth