The raw power and strength of a lion gives it the title ''king of the jungle'' but a video that is going viral on the internet will make you think otherwise. In the clip shared on Latest Sightings' YouTube Channel, a group of hippos at the Kruger National Park in South Africa are seen attacking the big cat and scaring it away.

''This lion is stranded on a rock in the middle of a river. Suddenly, hippos start surrounding him. One of the hippos attacks the lion, making him jump into the water!! He has to get to the bank but swims right on top of another hippo hiding under the water,'' read the caption of the video.

The clip opens to show a lion sitting on top of a rock in the middle of a flowing river. Soon, some hippos sitting near to the rock begin to move towards the lion. One of them gets closer and attacks the big cat. The lion immediately jumps into the water to escape. And as it tries to move away another hippo attacks it in the way but the lion escapes unhurt.

Since being shared, the video has amassed over 18 lakh views, 2.1k likes and several comments.

"I'm surprised the lion survived. This is gracious behavior from what I would expect from hippos," wrote one user after seeing the video.

"Nature never ceases to amaze me! It's fascinating to witness the dynamic interactions between different species, even if it can be intense at times," wrote another user.

"That was a very lucky lion to survive in that instance. It stands no chance in front those massive hippos," wrote a third.

"I’ve seen hippos running in water and it’s crazy. It’s the like water moves out of the way for them. I’m surprised the hippos didn’t give chase," wrote a fourth.