A man climbed an electric pole in M Singipuram village in Manyam, Andhra Pradesh in a drunken-state and was seen taking a nap on the electric wires hanging mid-air. This triggered panic in the area as locals gathered to watch the actions of the intoxicated man, repeatedly requesting him to come down. The video of the man's drunk antics has now gone viral on social media.
The incident reportedly took place on Tuesday, December 31. According to a report by News 18, passersby noticed him climbing up the electric pole and rushed towards him to stop him. However, he did not listen to their repeated pleas and ascended to the very top. The man even swayed momentarily while he was suspened in the air.
As he lied down on the electric wires the onlookers continued to call him down, but he remained unresponsive due to his intoxication. Tensed onlookers then got the transformer de-energised immediately, fearing he might touch the live wires. Later, they managed to bring him down, averting a major disaster that could have turned fatal. The police are now investigating the matter.
In another case, three people were arrested on Januray 1 after they allegedly killed their friend in Nashik in a drunken brawl on New Year's eve. The accused forced the victim to accompany them to an empty plot on Tuesday where they consumed alcohol.
"Amid heated arguments over some old enmity, Gare was attacked with a stone. When police received information about the incident, the victim was rushed to the civil hospital where he succumbed to his injuries," a police official told news agency PTI.