Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra, known for his active social media presence, recently endorsed an innovative water-cleaning solution, sparking interest and discussion. The chairman took to X to share a video of a water-cleaning robot used in China, expressing his desire to see similar innovations developed locally and encouraging startups with promising ideas to pitch in. This post received a lot of attention, emphasising the growing need for long-term solutions to combat water pollution.

The shared video showcased an autonomous robot submerged in a water body, equipped with a slide-like structure moving upwards. Two rotators with attached brushes on each side collected waste material on the water's surface as they moved, transferring it onto the slide. The slide, featuring holes, separated water from the waste material, efficiently addressing surface pollution in water bodies.

In response to the solution, Mahindra said, "Autonomous robot for cleaning rivers. Looks like it’s Chinese? We need to make these… right here… right now. If any startups are doing this… I’m ready to invest…"

Check Out The Video Here: 

The post quickly gained traction, with 8,06,500 views and positive feedback in the comments section. Followers praised the idea and shared Mahindra's sentiments, with one user emphasising the need for such solutions in cities with large bodies of water, such as Hyderabad.

While users applauded the innovation, practical concerns were expressed. A commenter proposed a collaborative effort, stating that companies should pool their CSR budgets to support robotics startups working on similar projects. This collaborative approach may result in a committed market for these innovative solutions, addressing the challenge of selling such products in India.

Here's How People Reacted: 

A user shared information about an Indian startup named ClearBot already working on water cleaning robots in the country.

Amidst the discussion, a social media user said, "Need of the hour Sir. Also need equipment/machines to clean hills and mountains where it’s a bit difficult to get back waste left by people during tracks and loitering. As it’s polluting green pastures and natural water streams/sources. Hope your R&D can work on this to make it possible". 

People praised Mahindra and his team for their engagement, with one saying, "Power of the internet. Anand Mahindra sir, you have got the coolest brand ambassador".