Unmanned intersection or a malfunctioned traffic light is bound to create traffic congestion, which is a common sight in India at some of the intersections. One such intersection in Ethiopia's Meskel Square has caught the attention of industrialist Anand Mahindra who is an avid social media user. Sharing the clip on microblogging site Twitter, Mahindra pointed out its similarities with Indian roads.

"Busiest intersection in Ethiopia without traffic lights. No no no. I refuse to let India relinquish the world title for organized chaos!," read the caption of the undated clip shared by the business tycoon.

Meskel Square is one of the busiest intersection and is considered a major accident hotspot in Ethiopia.

The video reminds us of the chaotic state of Indian roads and intersections that have no traffic lights or police to regulate traffic.

Since being shared, the clip has amassed a whopping 3 lakh 65,000 views and over 3,000 likes.

"If one can cross Indian roads without even the traffic lights, then I guess they can cross any other country’s road," commented one user on the post.

"Move over, traffic lights! Ethiopia's busiest intersection is like a live-action game of 'Frogger.' Sorry, India, we're keeping the crown of chaos!,"  wrote another user.

"Haha, sir we’ve come a long way. Let’s appreciate that. 10 years ago, we were all colour blind to a traffic signal and lead-footed with the accelerator. Now at least we come to a rolling stop, look both ways to see if there’s a traffic police and pass through a red light," wrote a third.