The Tata Group-owned Air India, which is already facing criticism for the "pee gate" scandal has again landed in a controversy. A woman journalist has taken to twitter to complain about a piece of stone she found in a meal on board the flight. Sarvapriya Sangwan shared two pictures of the meal served to her on Air India flight 215. She can be seen holding a pebble in her hand with the food tray placed on the table.
''You don't need resources and money to ensure stone-free food Air India (@airindiain). This is what I received in my food served on flight AI 215 today. Crew member, Ms Jadon was informed. This kind of negligence is unacceptable,'' the caption of the post shared by the journalist read.
In its reply the Air India said, "Dear Ma’am, this is concerning and we’re taking this up immediately with our Catering team. Please allow us some time to get back. We appreciate you bringing this to our notice."
However, Twitter users weren't happy with the airline and criticised them for the negligence.
"Dear @TataCompanies:JRD Tata once set standards for the aviation industry. He built #AirIndia into a globally respected brand, before Govt took it over. Now that you’re back as owners, hitting new lows? Is there no corporate oversight? How do you manage #PeeGate, and now this," wrote one user.
"Horrible, Air india should take action to responsible authorities," wrote another user.
"While Airindia was supposed to compete with the best in airlines industry, it is competing with Indian railways it seems," a third wrote.
"Hope thid is not a kidney stone.. With Air India yiu never know," wrote a fourth.