Bollywood feature film Sholay, released in the year 1975 can easily be considered as the all-time favourite entertainer. From 'Kitne aadmi the? to 'Mausiji' stunt by actor Dharmendra atop a water tank tower, each dialogue and scene of the film is etched in the minds of the people. We can easily say that the film directed by Ramesh Sippy and written by Salim-Javed is a seamlessly blend of action, drama, romance, and comedy. 

But have you ever imagined how would the film look like if it was made in Hollywood? An Artificial Intelligence artist has done exactly that. He has replaced all the characters of the film with Hollywood actors, and the result has left the internet users impressed.

"What If Sholay Was Made In Hollywood?" reads the caption shared by Reddit user u/ShadyKaran.


After being shared, the video has so far received over 500 upvotes.

"This is so spot on characterisation & casting Epic Wish it had audio, commented one user on the post.

"Kevin Spacey plays psychopaths best. Baldev Singh, alias Thakur, was a straight-forward man. That is a miscast there; probably Gene Hackman would have suited, commented a user," wrote another user.

"I guess AI really won’t steal jobs because the people behind using it can have terrible ideas," commented a third.

While another wrote, "Why does Anthony Hopkins as Gabbar look like Jeetendra and Anil Kapoor combined."

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