Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated images have become an extremely popular thing on the internet. Now, Mumbai-based artist Ashish Jose has taken the help of AI to generate hyper-realistic images of elderly women skating on the street and shared it on social media.

"Skating Nani’s. Made on Mid Journey," read the caption of the post shared on Instagram by user Ashish Jose.

The pictures is created using the app Midjourney and shows elderly women having a gala time as they skate on the streets and enjoy themselves. Wearing different attires like sarees, and skirts, these women are also seen doing some stunts on skateboards.

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Since being shared three days ago, the post has amassed 121,059 likes and tons of comments.

"This is an AI generateded image, But I would love to see this in real!! What a beautiful world it would be," wrote one user after seeing the post.

"Lolz...this is just awesome for a sec I thought this was so true,'" wrote another user.

While a third wrote, "When I realised the images were AI generated, half the feel of the post went away."

A fourth echoed a similar sentiment and wrote, "Nooo!! I was so happy until I saw clearly and noticed it's photoshopped."

"Artificial intelligence AI ka Sahi istemaal karte hue, wrote antoher user on seeing the post.

Sachin Samuel, the founder and creative director of Bootpolish Talkies ha id recently shared AI generted Ramayana characters that had gone viral.

Samuel took to his LinkedIn account to share the stunning images and wrote how the Hindu epic had fascinated him since childhood. He too used the AI tool Midjourney to make the character sketches.

ALSO READ: 'AI Can Reduce Some Of The World’s Worst Inequalities': Bill Gates On ChatGPT, OpenAI