On Earth Day, June 22, the Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna Along, who is known for his amazing sense of humour has once again taken to the microblogging site Twitter to pass on an important message to his followers. The minister composed a sweet and impactful letter highlighting the importance of Earth Day. 

"Don't you like the smell of soil when it rains? Then, take the responsibility of your future on this Earth Day and protect the nature. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."

The minister also signs the letter saying "Aapka cute sa Temjen (Yours cute Temjen)."

The post has already gone viral and amassed close to 37,000 views, 1,347 likes and tons of comments.

"Happy Earth day. You have nicely communicated the message. Mitti ki mahak kise pasand nahi," commented one user on the post.

"Petrichor - smell of mud when it rains - is indeed very calming! I would say, don't leave everything but continue doing your work while thinking about "बारिश के पहली बूंद वाले मिट्टी की खुशबू" and being in gratitude and show respect to mother #earth. #EarthDay2023 #EarthDay," wrote another user.

''Right, Same thing I have experienced on yesterday in rain, now planning to buy organic soil n rain perfume. But nature is nature, can't replace it," wrote a third.

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year to spread awareness over environmental issues like rising pollution global warming, and deforestation.