New Delhi: TRS MLC K Kavitha on Friday took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over rise in prices and unemployment and asked if the saffron party has any solution to the problems ailing the country. The former Nizamabad MP was speaking at Bathukamma Saree Distribution event at Kammarpally Balkonda in Telangana.
Slamming the BJP, MLC Kavitha accused the party of trying to divide the society and disrupt communal harmony. “BJP should look at the leadership of CM KCR who respects and celebrates all the religions alike in the state. BJP is trying to divide the society and disrupt communal harmony,” she said.
Addressing the gathering of women, she urged them to ask the BJP about the state of massive price rise and unemployment.
She further said that the BJP has failed to fulfill the aspirations of the people and asked Nizamabad MP Aravind to tell the people how many jobs the Union Government has provided as opposed to their tall claims.
While drawing a comparison between CM KCR and the BJP government at the Centre, Kavitha said that the Telangana chief minister has generated over a million jobs for the youth and asked what did the BJP give to the nation.
MLC K Kavitha also compared Uttar Pradesh with Telangana and said, “In Uttar Pradesh, a mere 70 lakh people among the 23-crore population are getting pensions, whereas, in Telangana, with four crore population, the state government has provided around 48 lakh pensions ranging from Rs 2016 to Rs 3016.”
Notably, Kavitha was addressing the people of Kammarpally Balkonda while attending the Bathukamma Saree Distribution event by Telangana Government. The flagship initiative of CM KCR has been launched in a bid to promote local handloom.