In an unfortunate incident, a student died by suicide in Telangana's Bhupalpally after confessing to her parents that her classmates were circulating her old childhood, said police. Earlier on February 22, a missing complaint was filed by her parents, however, the girl returned home the next day.
"Her statement said that she ran away as her school classmates insulted her by sharing some childhood photos. Her friends Alokya, Rahul and Yashwant circulated these photos. A case has been registered and further investigation is underway," A Ramulu, Bhupalpally DSP, said as quoted by news agency ANI.
In a similar incident, close on the heels of a woman medical student allegedly dying by suicide, an engineering student in Warangal ended her life by hanging after a male friend shared her personal photos with others, police said on Monday. The woman had a friendship with an undergraduate student who loved her, they said.
However, she got acquainted with another engineering student later. The woman and the undergraduate student developed differences and the latter allegedly shared some personal photos with her other friends. This upset the woman and she allegedly ended her life by hanging herself at a relative's house Sunday evening, police said.
The woman's parents alleged that she took the extreme step due to the harassment by the two men and the latter were now in police custody.
A first-year post-graduate medical student who allegedly attempted suicide at a state-run hospital in Warangal district on December 22 after being "harassed" by her senior in the same college, a male doctor, died at a state-run hospital here Sunday night.
(With PTI inputs)