Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president KT Rama Rao (KTR) has responded to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's criticism of BRS during a public rally in Khammam on July 2. KTR offered a point-by-point rebuttal to Rahul Gandhi's speech at the 'Telangana Jana Garjana' rally. In response to Rahul Gandhi's characterization of BRS as 'BJP Rishtedar Samithi', KTR referred to Congress as a party of vultures. KTR labelled the All India Congress Committee (AICC) as the All India Corruption Committee. He accused the Congress of being synonymous with corruption and incompetence.

Dismissing Rahul Gandhi's claim that BRS is the "BJP's B-team", KTR emphasized that BRS is a 'Dhee' (hitting) team capable of taking on both the BJP and Congress single-handedly.

ALSO READ | Rahul Gandhi Levelling Baseless Allegations On BRS: Telangana Minister Harish Rao

Stating that the steering of the car (poll symbol of BRS) is in the hands of KCR, the BRS leader taunted Rahul Gandhi for "losing control of Congress".  KTR claimed that Congress has already sunk into the Bay of Bengal, while BRS remains close to the hearts of the people. He asserted that the nine-year rule of BRS has been full of goodness, whereas the ten-year rule of Congress was marked by chaos.

KTR further argued that the people of Telangana are aware that if they trust Congress, the state will once again descend into turmoil. He questioned why was the Congress so "unsettled by BRS's expansion".

KTR also refuted Rahul Gandhi's allegation of Rs 1 lakh crore corruption in the Kaleshwaram project and pointed out that even the cost of the project is not Rs 1 lakh crore. He criticized Rahul Gandhi for making baseless allegations that only make him a laughingstock in public.

KTR highlighted the significance of the Dharani portal introduced by the BRS government, which aimed to simplify land and land record-related processes. He stated that the Telangana society will never forgive Rahul Gandhi for promising to scrap Dharani and reintroduce the influence of middlemen in land transactions.