Hyderabad: Karimnagar became the first district in Telangana and the second district in South India, after Bengaluru urban district, to attain the milestone of administering the second dose of Covid vaccine to 100% of the eligible recipients in the ongoing Covid vaccination drive.

The state health department finished administering the second dose of the Covid vaccination to 7,94,404 beneficiaries in the Karimnagar district on Tuesday, bringing the total number of vaccine recipients to 100%.

The health department recently provided the first dose of the Covid vaccination to 8,27,103 people in the Karimnagar district, accounting for 104 per cent of the target population.

T Harish Rao, the state's health minister, praised the state's health department and local health authorities for speeding up the Covid vaccination distribution effort in Telangana. "The Covid vaccine administration effort is moving along quickly in other Telangana districts, and we are sure that we will meet Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao's goal of 100% Covid immunisation in the state in the coming days," he said.

On Tuesday, Telangana had 4,559 Covid-19 infections, with 1450 positive cases occurring in GHMC regions. The health officials confirmed two Covid-19 fatalities, bringing the total number of deaths in the state to 4,077.

In Telangana1,961 people had recovered, with a 94.57 percent recovery rate. In the State, a total of 3,15,89,602 Covid-19 tests have been performed, with 7,43,354 people testing positive and 7,03,008 people recovering.