The investment support scheme for farmers known as Rythu Bandhu was officially launched by the Telangana government on Wednesday. Under the 10th phase of Rythu Bandhu, Rs 7,676 crore will be deposited in the bank accounts of 70.54 lakh farmers as investment support for the Yasangi season.

According to IANS, Telangana Finance Minister T Harish Rao said on the first day Rs 607.32 crore was deposited in the accounts of 21,02,822 farmers holding up to one acre of land.

The investment assistance is being provided at a rate of Rs 5,000 per acre. On Thursday, farmers with up to two hectares of land will receive the funds, and on Friday, those with up to three acres will get the funds deposited in their accounts. This way, the disbursal will continue till all 70.54 lakh farmers are covered.

Officials said assistance for 1.53 crore acres will be provided during this season. Through the Rythu Bandhu scheme, the state government is providing crop investment to the farmers at the rate of Rs 10,000 per acre for both the Kharif (rainy season) and the Yasangi seasons.

According to the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government, the programme, which is regarded as a revolutionary initiative in the nation's agriculture sector, is producing the best results possible.

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BRS MLC K Kavitha on Wednesday said Telangana is already living the dream of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, in which farmers and the poor in India are empowered.

Kavitha tweeted that "Today, marks the 10th season of RythuBandhu Scheme where over 70 lakh farmers in Telangana will receive assistance of Rs.7,676.61 crore in total. KCR Garu has dreamt of an India where the farmers and poor are empowered, Telangana is living the dream which is now a reality".

The BRS government has alleged that the Center stopped the release of Rs 40,000 crore that was due to the Telangana state under various schemes and programmes.

The Center is trying to make the people of Telangana suffer by not releasing the funds owed to the state and causing financial problems.

The state's ruling party said that despite the centre creating hurdles, the Telangana government is not compromising on the welfare of farmers or the development of the farming sector and is releasing Rythu Bandhu funds timely to the farmers every season.

(With IANS inputs)