Telangana Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu took charge of office at the State secretariat in Hyderabad on Thursday. He arrived at the State Secretariat to take charge of the office amid the chanting of mantras by priests. Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, a prominent Dalit leader, is a four-time MLA from the Madhira Assembly constituency in Khammam district. He was the Congress Legislature Party (CLP) leader in the previous Assembly.

According to ANI, Telangana Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu arrived at the State Secretariat to take charge of the office, amid the chanting of mantras by priests today.


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On Wednesday, Congress MLA Gaddam Prasad Kumar from Vikarabad filed nomination for the post of Speaker of Telangana Legislative Assembly.

Telangana Assembly Session: Strict Security Measures To Be Implemented

In accordance with the Pro Tem Speaker's instructions, the gathering on Wednesday night, as conveyed by Sridhar Babu's office, condemned the breach of security in Parliament. During the session of the Assembly, the meeting assessed security protocols to forestall similar incidents.

Stringent enforcement of the three-step security system was mandated for police officials. The Pro Tem Speaker emphasized the thorough inspection of every individual visiting the Assembly.

Furthermore, it was resolved in the meeting that no new passes would be issued, aside from those already distributed.

The Pro Tem Speaker directed that every person (visiting the Assembly) should be checked thoroughly.

The meeting decided not to issue any fresh passes other than those that have already been issued, it added.

The election of Speaker took place on Thursday.