Hyderabad: After the Telangana High Court granted his release, Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar, who was jailed for allegedly violating Covid-19 norms during a protest demanding to revoke GO 317 passed by ruling TRS, has walked out of jail on Wednesday.

Earlier, Union Minister Bhagwant Kuba visited Bandi Sanjay in jail and later Latter walked out of Karimanagar district jail.

According to reports, Bandi Sanjay has filed a petition with the High Court regarding the cases filed against him. In his plea, he claimed that the Karimnagar magistrate's judicial remand decision should be overturned. The case was argued in the High Court of Telangana, which granted the BJP leader bail. After hearing about Bandi Sanjay's release, many BJP activists reached the Karimnagar jail.

Speaking to reporters after being released from the jail, Sanjay assured government employees that he would continue to fight against the contentious GO passed by the ruling TRS.

He asserted that imprisoning him has not stopped him, as he believes that he was imprisoned for fighting for the rights of teachers and government employees, not for any unethical reasons.

Sanjay demanded the state government revoke the GO 317. He assured that the Bharatiya Janata Party will support the employees.

Through GO 317, the TRS government has introduced a zonal system for the distribution of jobs for state government employees. As per the GO, the decision of jobs and transfer for the district cadres lies with the district collectors and the respective heads of departments.

On Monday, a district court in Telangana's Karimnagar sent Sanjay to judicial custody for 14 days for attacking police personnel and violation of the Disaster Management Act during a protest on Sunday night which was foiled by the police.

(With inputs from ABP Desam — It is a Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from two Telugu states, follow https://telugu.abplive.com//amp)